5 Self-Care Practices to Add to Your Daily Routine

5 Self-Care Practices

Contributing Author: Hannah Mitchell is a seasoned style writer and fashion enthusiast, whose passion for the industry shines through her insightful and engaging articles. With over a decade of experience in fashion journalism, she has become a trusted voice for readers seeking the latest trends, styling tips, and industry news. Hannah’s authentic and approachable writing style has endeared her to a wide audience, as she continues to inspire and educate on all things style-related.

Visiting the spa for treatments, getting a manicure and pedicure at a nail salon, and getting a haircut are
the most preferred forms of self-care by most American adults, according to a recent survey
commissioned by a software-as-a-service business management platform based in Dublin, California.
While these pampering activities are often the first things that come to mind when one is thinking about
self-care practices, it’s worth stressing that caring for yourself doesn’t have to be limited to occasional
visits to the spa or luxurious pampering sessions that cost money. Ultimately, any activity or routine that
can bring a smile to your face, ease your stress, and boost your physical, emotional, and mental well-
being can be a form of self-care.
Perhaps you want to engage in self-care but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re looking for
doable self-care habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle. Either way this short guide may be of
help. From practicing gratitude to spending time with nature, this piece will discuss five self-care
practices that you can readily incorporate into your daily routine.

Have a Creative Outlet

Having a creative outlet can benefit you in many ways. Aside from reducing stress and anxiety levels and
boosting your mood and confidence, creative outlets can help you express yourself and process your
emotions and experiences well. One study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology also showed
that engaging in a creative activity every day can promote well-being and cultivate positive psychological
Because of all these remarkable benefits, finding a creative outlet that works for you is an excellent
means to start squeezing self-care into your daily life. If you love fashion, maybe you can experiment
with different clothing pieces to showcase your unique personality. For instance, instead of ordinary
tights and socks, you can wear fashion leggings and buy socks in various styles, patterns, and colors to
create flattering outfits that make you happy. You can also bake, write, play an instrument, knit, or
paint. Just follow your heart and find something that delights and excites you.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is intensely and consistently linked with greater happiness, positive
feelings, and overall well-being. That’s because it helps people to concentrate and appreciate all the
good things they have instead of focusing on what they lack. To cultivate this attitude and experience its
many benefits, consider keeping a gratitude journal as a self-care habit.
The process is simple; just write down at least five things you are grateful for before retiring at night.
You might find yourself being thankful for an event, an experience, for being able to acquire an
important personal property, or just for someone being in your life. Be specific and try to write in detail
to strengthen the emotional impact. Write regularly, and you’ll most likely experience a boost in mood
and positive feelings, not to mention better sleep and social relationships.

Go for a Lunchtime Stroll

Exercise is an essential self-care habit. But if you don’t have the time to exercise in the morning or
evenings, consider going for a lunchtime stroll. You may not realize it, but even a 30-minute walk three
times a week can significantly boost your mood and energy and improve your physical health. A study
published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports found that employees feel more
optimistic, enthusiastic, and less tense at work after taking a half-hour lunchtime stroll.
Try expanding the benefits of lunchtime strolls by walking in nature-based environments like a park or
garden. After all, exposure to green spaces offers numerous physical and mental advantages, from
reducing stress, anxiety, and blood pressure levels to improving concentration and sleep quality.

Pause for a Few Minutes

Again, self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes all you need to do to feel better is to put
your phone away, close your eyes, breathe, rest your mind, and do nothing for a few minutes. While it
may seem counterintuitive, pausing every now and then as you go through your busy day can help you
achieve more. It can refresh your mind, reduce your stress, alleviate any fatigue you might feel, prevent
burnout, and even boost your creativity and productivity. So, make it a habit to take regular breaks for
at least 10 minutes, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Embrace Positive Self-Talk

Be mindful of how you talk to yourself. If that little voice inside your head keeps criticizing and nitpicking
every little thing you do, you may want to make an effort to control and filter the message you say to
yourself. Otherwise, you may unknowingly hurt your confidence and self-esteem.
Instead of negative comments, recite self-affirming statements like, “I can do this,” when facing
challenges to self-soothe. You can also add positive affirmations to your morning routine to get your day
off to a good start. For instance, you can repeat: “You are beautiful; You are valuable; You are strong;
You are capable,” as you look at your reflection in the mirror while getting ready for work.

These are just some self-care practices that you can add to your daily routine. They may seem simple,
but taking time to include them in your daily routine can certainly improve your overall quality of life.
Remember that self-care is not selfish, but rather a necessary act of self-preservation. Prioritizing your
self-care is not only beneficial for yourself, but also for those around you, as you will be better equipped
to show up fully and be present in your relationships and responsibilities. Start small, be consistent, and
see the positive impact that self-care can have on your life.

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