A Trick To Flatter Your Neck

How to wear your collar up to flatter and disguise the neck.

The neck seems to always give away a person’s age and my neck has started aging and it bothers me. You know what I’m talking about….those horizontal wrinkles.  Hate them!  LOL

Have you seen the Netflix series “Grace and Frankie” with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin?

One of my favorite parts of the show is seeing what Jane Fonda is going to wear.   I can’t believe she is 80! I love her style on the show.  It’s odd because her style is classic , slightly preppy and that’s not necessarily my style.   But the way they style her doesn’t scream the traditional preppy look.

What I realized this season that got my attention was how she continually wore her shirt collars up.  I searched online to see how she dresses off camera.  Many, many of the photo’s I found show Jane styled with the collar up.  I began to research further and found out that this “trick” gives a flattering frame to the face and elongates the neckline.

I remember the collar up style from the 80s.  For me it was collar up and pearls.  Back then I wore that look as a trend, not to flatter my neck!  So, I’m going to start experimenting with “collar up” solutions again.    How about you?  Do you like the collar up look?

What tricks do you have to flatter your neck?



    • FTF says:


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      Julie xo

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